Can't quite run that yet, because

F# error at line 7:
The type 'React' is not defined in 'WebSharper.JavaScript.Resources'. (FS39)
F# error at line 7:
A unique overload for method 'RequireAttribute' could not be determined based on type information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed. Known type of argument: 'a Candidates: - new : assemblyQualifiedName:string * [<System.ParamArray>] parameters:obj [] -> RequireAttribute - new : assemblyQualifiedName:string -> RequireAttribute - new : resourceType:System.Type * [<System.ParamArray>] parameters:obj [] -> RequireAttribute - new : resourceType:System.Type -> RequireAttribute (FS41)
F# error at line 59:
The value, constructor, namespace or type 'Class' is not defined. (FS39)
F# error at line 61:
The value, namespace, type or module 'Element' is not defined. (FS39)
F# error at line 98:
The value, namespace, type or module 'Document' is not defined. (FS39)